Opening Disaster Relief Australia's National Operations Centre

A photo of people at the opening of the Disaster Relief Australia Operations Centre.
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Opening Disaster Relief Australia's National Operations Centre

A photo of people at the opening of the Disaster Relief Australia Operations Centre.
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Have you faced a recent flood, bushfire or storm? It's likely Disaster Relief Australia ’s (DRA) volunteers were there to help.  

Over the recent Higher-Risk Weather Season DRA volunteers supported people across the country. From the Northern Territory, to Queensland, their volunteers were there to help. 

Established in 2016, DRA has over 3,600 registered volunteers. Military veterans, emergency responders, and motivated civilians make up the team. Bringing together the skills and experience needed to help people around Australia.

The new National Operations Centre 

On 10 June 2024, DRA opened its National Operations Centre (NOC) in Brisbane. The Hendra-based facility will serve as the headquarters for DRA's operations.  

Australian Government funding of $38.3 million has helped DRA grow. The funding is supporting the organisation to expand its operations and capability to help more Australians.  

The National Operations Centre will support and co-ordinate the organisation’s nationwide disaster recovery activities. As well as being a base for general day-to-day program operations.  

The South Queensland Disaster Relief Team will work and conduct training out of the new hub. And be able to store their national operations equipment where they work. 

Supporting Disaster Relief Australia

The funding supports the independent findings of the 2023 Defence Strategic Review . This review looked at the role of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) when it came to disasters. It found that they're only to be used for supporting communities as a last resort. 

Our commitment to DRA supports the ADF’s ability to focus on its core mission. It also provides DRA volunteers the opportunity to use their skills and experience to support Australian communities in times of need. 

Becoming a Disaster Relief Australia Volunteer 

Interested in contributing your skills to keeping Australians safe? Discover the benefits of volunteering on the DRA Website