Reporting and publications

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Reporting and publications

On this page, you'll find reports and publications about what we do and how we work.

For any questions, please contact us.

After Action Reviews

We produced an After Action Review Report (PDF 939KB) on the Australian Warning System Implementation in QLD. The report:

  • presents insights on weather warnings
  • is based on observations collected during and after the After Action Review.
  • includes warnings issued by the Bureau and Queensland state and local government agencies.

Annual Report

Read our 2023-24 Annual Report (PDF 8.68MB). It shows our recent operations and performance.

You can also access older reports.

APS Employee Census

The Australian Public Service Employee Census is an annual survey administered by the Australian Public Service Commission. It provides an opportunity for NEMA employees to share attitudes and opinions on:

  • Senior Leadership & Immediate Supervisors
  • Workplace Culture
  • Employee Engagement
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Inclusion & Diversity
  • General Impressions of NEMA and the APS

For more information about comparing and interpreting results, please visit the Australian Public Service Commission’s Census page.



Audit and Risk Committee Charter

Audit and Risk Committee Charter (PDF 298KB)

Child Safety Statement

We're committed to protecting and safeguarding children from abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Read our  Child Safety Statement 2024 (PDF 690KB).

Corporate Plan

Our Corporate Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28 (PDF 11MB) shows how:

  • we'll deliver the government’s emergency management approach
  • support emergency management for all hazards of national significance.

Data Strategy

Our 2023-25 Data Strategy (PDF 1.5MB) shows how we'll:

  • gather evidence, intelligence and insights
  • use data to help communities, leaders and stakeholders make better decisions.

Gift and Benefits Register

NEMA officials can't accept gifts and benefits that compromise their integrity.

Our gift policy states that:

The register is updated quarterly.

Indexed File Lists

National Emergency Management Agency - Files Created July - December 2022 (PDF 143KB)

Contact us if you can't open these or need them in another format.

Our lists don't include:

  • Cabinet deliberations
  • commercial in confidence information
  • personal information
  • security classified information.

The lists also don't include files:

  • sent to the National Archives
  • about agency administration (like staff or accounts)
  • about specific cases.

Journey to Recovery

The  Journey to Recovery report

  • was developed by the National Bushfire Recovery Agency
  • describes the approach for recovering from the 2019–20 Black Summer bushfires.

Legal services expenditure

By 30 October each year, government departments make available public records. These show the expenditure for legal services for the previous financial year.

NEMA Technology Strategy 2024-26

Our  technology strategy (PDF 823KB) shows our:

  • two-year technology vision
  • framework for technology-related decisions, investments, activities and outcomes.

Portfolio Budget Statements

Our  2023-24 Portfolio Budget Statements (PDF 1.9MB) provide an update of

  • the entity resources
  • planned performance for the 2024-25 Budget year.

Procedures for determining breaches of the Code of Conduct and for determining sanctions

APS Values and Code of Conduct

The APS values are available on the  Australian Public Service Commission website.

Suspected Code of Conduct breaches

The Agency Procedures for Determining Suspected Breaches of the APS Code of Conduct (PDF 746KB) gives guidance around breaches.

Procurement complaints

We must follow special rules when procuring goods and services. These are called the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs).

Covered procurements

According to the  Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018, a covered procurement is:

  • a procurement where both Division 1 and 2 of the CPRs apply
  • usually an Open or Limited Tender using the Conditions for Limited Tender outlined in part 10.3 of the CPRs
  • where the procurement value is at or above the following thresholds:
    - $80,000 (including GST) for procurements other than construction services
    - $7.5 million (including GST) for procurements of construction services
    - not otherwise exempt from compliance with Division 1 and/or Division 2 of the CPRs.

Submit a procurement complaint (PDF 385KB) if you think we've breached the CPRs. It must be in relation to a covered procurement that will affect your interests.

How we respond to complaints

We will:

  • let you know we received your complaint
  • check if your complaint is valid
  • stop the procurement if your complaint is valid (except when a Public Interest Certificate is in force)
  • investigate the complaint within 7 working days where possible
  • ask you to confirm in writing if the complaint is resolved
  • give you five working days to respond to our re

Senate Order on Entity Contracts

The Senate Order on Entity Contracts is produced at the conclusion of two reporting periods each year, the Financial Year and Calendar Year.

2024 Calendar Year

Pursuant to the Senate Order on non-corporate Commonwealth entity contracts, the following sets out information on contracts entered into by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to the value of $100,000 or more (including GST) which:

  • have not been fully performed as at 31 December 2024, or
  • have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 31 December 2024.

Details of procurement contracts are published on AusTender.

Details of non-procurement contracts are published on GrantConnect.

Most of the contracts listed contain confidentiality provisions of a general nature that are designed to protect the confidential information of the parties that may be obtained or generated in carrying out the contract. The reasons for including such clauses include:

  • ordinary commercial prudence that requires protection of trade secrets, proprietary information and the like; and/or
  • protection of other Commonwealth material and personal information.

The accountable authority of the Agency has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.

Estimated cost of complying with the Senate Order is $1,000. This cost has been determined by calculating the time taken to collect, analyse and compile the information and applying salary costs and on-costs.

For archived Publications and Reports please visit the Archived Publications page


2022-23 Financial Year

Procurement contracts are available through the Senate Order Report on AusTender.

Non-procurement contracts are available on GrantConnect.

2022 Calendar Year

Procurement contracts are available through the Senate Order Report on AusTender.

Non-procurement contracts are available on GrantConnect.

2021-22 Financial Year

Procurement contracts are available through the Senate Order Report on AusTender.

Non-procurement contracts are available on GrantConnect.

2021 Calendar Year

Procurement contracts are available through the Senate Order Report on AusTender.

Non-procurement contracts are available on GrantConnect.

2020-21 Financial Year

Contractual arrangements for the National Emergency Management Agency for the 2020-21 Financial Year are published on AusTender.

The National Emergency Management Agency did not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet Listing for the 2020-21 Financial Year.

2020 Calendar Year

Procurement contracts for the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency (NDNQFRRA) for the 2020 Calendar Year were published on AusTender under the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (prior to 20 July 2020) and the NDNQFRRA (from 20 July 2020 onwards). 

The NDNQFRRA did not have any non-procurement contracts to report for the 2020 Calendar Year.

2019-20 Financial Year

Procurement contracts for the National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency (NDNQFRRA) for the 2019-20 Financial Year were published on AusTender under the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Non-procurement contracts for NDNQFRRA for the 2019-20 Financial Year were published under Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Statement of Strategic Intent

Our Statement of Strategic Intent (PDF 4.6MB) describes our:

  • purpose
  • vision
  • objectives.

It covers:

  • the growing challenges shaping emergency management
  • the importance of prevention, preparation and resilience.

Work Safety Statement of Commitment

We're committed to the mental and physical health and safety of:

  • our people
  • our visitors
  • others who work for us and with us.

Read our Work Safety Statement of Commitment (PDF 296KB).

Last updated