2024-25 Higher Risk Weather Season

2024-25 Higher Risk Weather Season
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2024-25 Higher Risk Weather Season

2024-25 Higher Risk Weather Season

The Higher-Risk Weather Season (HRWS) National Preparedness Program

Australia’s higher-risk weather season is between October and April. During this time, bushfires, heatwaves, flooding, and tropical cyclones are more likely. We work with stakeholders so that Australia is as prepared as possible.

We run an annual National Preparedness Program. The program briefs key stakeholders about the forward Climate Outlook. It ensures they understand Australian Government capability. So that they can make informed planning and preparation discussions.

Stakeholders of the program include:

  • Australian Government departments
  • state and territory agencies
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • members of parliament
  • industry
  • media.

The aim of the program is to improve Australia’s preparedness, response, and recovery. Especially for severe to catastrophic events. As these events often need national support coordination.

The HRWS National Preparedness Summit

The National Preparedness Summit brings together crisis management specialists. These response and early recovery specialists come from:

  • All levels of the Australian Government
  • Industry
  • Community organisations.

The Summit helps prepare Australia for the upcoming season. This year, the event dates are 18 and 19 September. The event takes place in Canberra and is by invitation only.

Key Leadership Engagement

Before the season begins, our senior executives will engage with:

  • state and territory Chiefs
  • Commissioners of response agencies
  • Heads of recovery agencies.

These meetings are an opportunity to build and maintain partnerships. And to address specific concerns related to the upcoming season.

Targeted Sector Briefings

We deliver targeted briefings ahead of the season. These briefings support preparedness and effective consequence management. We brief all levels of government. This includes political leaders. It also includes community organisations and relevant industry sectors.

These briefings provide participants with:

  • the seasonal outlook
  • information about Australian Government preparedness
  • an opportunity to hear from sector-specific speakers
  • discussion around preparedness activities.

We develop sector briefings in consultation with the Bureau of Meteorology

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