Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding – Public Submissions

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Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding – Public Submissions

Public submissions to the Independent Review of Commonwealth Disaster Funding (the Colvin Review) opened 15 May 2023 and closed 4 August 2023. The Colvin Review received a total of 194 submissions with 149 providing permission to be published.

Thank you to the individuals and organisations that provided a submission to the Colvin Review, on how disaster funding could better support Australians before, during and after a disaster – your stories have been heard. Your time and effort in making a submission is sincerely appreciated and your insights will help ensure Australia is better prepared for future disasters.

Publication of submissions

Every submission has been read, recorded and provided to the Independent Reviewer for analysis. Only submissions with permission to publish will appear on this website. All eligible submissions are published on the NEMA website in the following way:

  • Published with name: if you or your organisation chose to publish your submission with your name, your submission will be published with the publishing name provided at time of submission. 
  • Published anonymously: if you or your organisation chose to publish your submission but remain anonymous, your submission will be published but the publishing name will appear as ‘Anonymous’.

If you provided a submission but chose not to have it published, it will not appear anywhere on the NEMA website.

Please note that any submission provided through this process may be subject to a request under the federal Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act). Any request for access to a submission is determined in accordance with the FOI Act. Unless an exemption under the FOI Act applies, the document will be provided.

The submissions may include the views or recommendations of third parties, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Independent Reviewer, Deloitte, NEMA or the Australian Government, or indicate a commitment to a particular course of action. Links to other websites are provided for users’ convenience and do not constitute endorsement by the Independent Reviewer, Deloitte, NEMA or the Australian Government, of material on those sites or any associated organisation, product or service. A small number of submissions have been redacted for privacy or other legal reasons. See our Privacy and Disclosures page for more information.

Please be aware that content contained in the submissions may contain the names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are now deceased.

Public submissions

The Independent Reviewer received a range of submissions relating to Commonwealth disaster funding. Submissions are available for viewing: 

Submitted By Document
ACOSS (Australian Council of Social Service) IRCDF_2180_176 (PDF 280KB)
Alton Twine, Director and Local Disaster Coordinator on behalf of City of Gold Coast IRCDF_1368_116 (PDF 172KB)
Anglicare NSW South NSW West and ACT IRCDF_1473_171 (PDF 165KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_792_4 (PDF 156KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_798_5 (PDF 155KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_799_6 (PDF 163KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_840_7 (PDF 528KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_852_8 (PDF 458KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_855_9 (PDF 156KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_866_11 (PDF 159KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_882_12 (PDF 161KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_994_16 (PDF 165KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_997_17 (PDF162 KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1004_18 (PDF 156KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1054_25 (PDF 162KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1085_32 (PDF 159KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1105_33 (PDF 134KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1183_54 (PDF 161KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1214_61 (PDF 158KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1276_71 (PDF 170KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1303_78 (PDF 177KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1333_90 (PDF 157KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1338_95 (PDF 157KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1341_98 (PDF 172KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1350_102 (PDF 194KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1389_136 (PDF 159KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1393_139 (PDF 178KB)
Anonymous IRCDF_1401_146 (PDF 174KB)
Associate Professor Helen Forbes-Mewett, Monash University IRCDF_1417_160 (PDF 168KB)
Associate Professor Roslyn Prinsley IRCDF_1413_158 (PDF 195KB)
Ausgrid - Penny Joseph - Head of Climate Resilience IRCDF_1343_100 (PDF 178KB)
Australian Breastfeeding Association IRCDF_1332_89 (PDF 171KB)
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) IRCDF_2150_6 (PDF 465KB)
Australian Coastal Society IRCDF_1354_105 (PDF 164KB)
Australian Library and Information Association IRCDF_1346_101 (PDF 173KB)
Australian Red Cross IRCDF_1194_55 (PDF 195KB)
Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) IRCDF_1396_142 (PDF 182KB)
Ben Norris IRCDF_1277_72 (PDF 169KB)
Benefolk Foundation IRCDF_1342_99 (PDF 194KB)
Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals IRCDF_2149_5 (PDF 461KB)
Canberra Region Joint Organisation IRCDF_1328_86 (PDF 194KB)
Central Goldfields Shire Council IRCDF_1329_87 (PDF 176KB)
Central NSW Joint Organisation IRCDF_2106_1 (PDF 667KB)
Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, CPA Australia and the Institute of Public Accountants (the 'Professional Accounting Bodies') IRCDF_1243_64 (PDF 164KB)
Cherie Graham IRCDF_1042_22 (PDF 169KB)
City of Hobart IRCDF_1443_166 (PDF 166KB)
City of Onkaparinga, South Australia IRCDF_1169_51 (PDF 181KB)
Community Legal Centres Australia IRCDF_1378_126 (PDF 186KB)
Community Legal Centres NSW IRCDF_1373_121 (PDF 176KB)
Community Legal Centres Queensland IRCDF_1309_80 (PDF 176KB)
David John Ayles IRCDF_1293_75 (PDF 214KB)
Defence Families of Australia IRCDF_858_10 (PDF 165KB)
Destination Riverina Murray IRCDF_1313_82 (PDF 164KB)
East Gippsland Community Foundation IRCDF_1135_40 (PDF 172KB)
East Gippsland Shire Council IRCDF_1388_135 (PDF 186KB)
Elisabeth Shaw - Relationships Australia NSW IRCDF_1395_141 (PDF 167KB)
Emerging Minds, National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health IRCDF_1375_123 (PDF 177KB)
Eurobodalla Shire Council IRCDF_1370_118 (PDF 228KB)
Executive Manager Corporate and Customer Service IRCDF_1382_130 (PDF 167KB)
Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA) IRCDF_1399_144 (PDF 174KB)
Financial Counselling Australia IRCDF_1383_132 (PDF 282KB)
Fire to Flourish, Monash University IRCDF_1405_150 (PDF 195KB)
Foodbank IRCDF_2138_3 (PDF 657KB)
Forbes Shire Council IRCDF_1140_45 (PDF 163KB)
Fortem Australia IRCDF_1063_26 (PDF 190KB)
Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal IRCDF_1381_129 (PDF 181KB)
Frank Archer IRCDF_1412_157 (PDF 634KB)
Frank Archer IRCDF_1415_159 (PDF 286KB)
Gender and Disaster Australia IRCDF_1252_65 (PDF 195KB)
Golden Plains Shire Council IRCDF_918_13 (PDF 165KB)
Hawkesbury Blue Mountains Community Bushfire Alliance IRCDF_1143_47 (PDF 181KB)
Hawkesbury City Council IRCDF_1379_127 (PDF 191KB)
Healthy Land & Water IRCDF_1136_42 (PDF 167KB)
Heidi C IRCDF_1418_161 (PDF 175KB)
Heinz Kausche - Junee Shire Council IRCDF_1125_37 (PDF 163KB)
Hepburn Shire Council IRCDF_1372_120 (PDF 183KB)
Hunter Joint Organisation IRCDF_1572_173 (PDF 184KB)
Independent Bushfire Group IRCDF_1315_83 (PDF 174KB)
Ippei Okazaki IRCDF_1178_53 (PDF 176KB)
Jeff Roorda, Blue Mountains City Council IRCDF_1408_153 (PDF 187KB)
Jesse Lees IRCDF_1067_28 (PDF 175KB)
Karen Tough IRCDF_1271_69 (PDF 162KB)
Ken Clarke IRCDF_1065_27 (PDF 511KB)
Kerryn Ellis - Chief Executive Officer IRCDF_1351_103 (PDF 596KB)
Kimberley Regional Group of Local Governments IRCDF_1364_112 (PDF 182KB)
Latrobe City Council IRCDF_1050_24 (PDF 177KB)
Leslie Manda IRCDF_1359_108 (PDF 187KB)
Lismore City Council IRCDF_1231_62 (PDF 165KB)
Lizz Reay, CEO, Wentworth Healthcare (provider of the Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network) IRCDF_1326_85 (PDF 180KB)
Local Government Association of the Northern Territory IRCDF_1407_152 (PDF 194KB)
Loddon Shire Council IRCDF_1402_147 (PDF 175KB)
Luke Barbagallo IRCDF_1448_168 (PDF 170KB)
Macedon Ranges Shire Council IRCDF_1312_81 (PDF 182KB)
Mark Duckworth, Prof. Frank Archer, Liz Mackinlay, Josh Hallwright IRCDF_1403_148 (PDF 198KB)
Mark Redding IRCDF_1238_63 (PDF 157KB)
Matt Bullen - Flood Recovery Support Worker IRCDF_922_14 (PDF 169KB)
Mehmet Ulubasoglu and Lan Tong, Deakin University IRCDF_1371_119 (PDF 221KB)
MidCoast Council IRCDF_1360_109 (PDF 179KB)
MidCoast Disaster Recovery Providers Group IRCDF_1394_140 (PDF 172KB)
MidCoast Disaster Recovery Providers Group IRCDF_1397_143 (PDF 516KB)
Mike Lollback. CEO Barcoo Shire Council IRCDF_1032_20 (PDF 164KB)
Murray River Council IRCDF_1411_156 (PDF 236KB)
Natasha Ledger IRCDF_1069_29 (PDF 166KB)
Nathan Petrus IRCDF_1256_68 (PDF 265KB)
National Growth Areas Alliance IRCDF_1334_91 (PDF 166KB)
National Legal Aid IRCDF_1391_138 (PDF 185KB)
Natural Hazards Research Australia IRCDF_1366_114 (PDF 662KB)
Neighbourhood Centres Queensland IRCDF_1335_92 (PDF 184KB)
New South Wales Council of Social Service IRCDF_1410_155 (PDF 190KB)
Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group IRCDF_1602_175 (PDF 190KB)
Office of Sussan Ley MO, Member for Farrer IRCDF_1124_36 (PDF 162KB)
Our Future Northern Rivers IRCDF_1212_59 (PDF 138KB)
Outward Bound Australia IRCDF_1041_21 (PDF 169KB)
Port Macquarie-Hastings Council IRCDF_1600_174 (PDF 209KB)
Public Safety Training and Response Group IRCDF_1141_46 (PDF 271KB)
Queensland Farmers' Federation IRCDF_1145_49 (PDF 211KB)
Queensland Reconstruction Authority IRCDF_1365_113 (PDF 190KB)
RACQ Ltd Submission IRCDF_2145_4 (PDF 157KB)
Regional Australia Institute IRCDF_1387_134 (PDF 180KB)
Regional Development Australia - Southern Inland IRCDF_1172_52 (PDF 177KB)
Resilient Futures Investment Roundtable IRCDF_1377_125 (PDF 173KB)
Resilient Ready - Renae Hanvin IRCDF_1139_44 (PDF 170KB)
Rotary Australia World Community Service Ltd. IRCDF_1202_56 (PDF 175KB)
Royal Far West IRCDF_1144_48 (PDF 217KB)
Sarsfield Community Association committee member IRCDF_1422_165 (PDF 166KB)
Sarsfield Community Association Inc. IRCDF_1304_79 (PDF 169KB)
Save the Children and 54 reasons IRCDF_1362_110 (PDF 182KB)
Sean Fletcher, CEO - Shire of Victoria Plains IRCDF_1255_67 (PDF 174KB)
Shannon Maynard, Director Emergency Management IRCDF_1330_88 (PDF 268KB)
Singleton Neighbourhood Centre IRCDF_1336_93 (PDF 165KB)
Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance IRCDF_1213_60 (PDF 186KB)
St Vincent de Paul Society National Council IRCDF_1385_133 (PDF 254KB)
Strata Community Association (SCA) IRCDF_1470_170 (PDF 172KB)
Sutherland Shire Council IRCDF_1147_50 (PDF 195KB)
The Black Dog Institute IRCDF_2130_2 (PDF 610KB)
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) NSW & ACT Division IRCDF_1357_106 (PDF 227KB)
The Salvation Army Australia IRCDF_1253_66 (PDF 174KB)
Tweed Shire Council IRCDF_1302_77 (PDF 195KB)
Volunteering Australia IRCDF_1420_163 (PDF 185KB)
Volunteering SA&NT IRCDF_1363_111 (PDF 191KB)
WALGA (Western Australian Local Government Association) IRCDF_2191_177 (PDF 695KB)
WESNET (The Women's Services Network) IRCDF_1290_73 (PDF 162KB)
Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) IRCDF_1409_154 (PDF 185KB)
Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) IRCDF_1353_104 (PDF 229KB)
Wimmera Emergency Management Resource Sharing Partnership IRCDF_1134_41 (PDF 161KB)
Wingecarribee Shire Council IRCDF_1203_57 (PDF 173KB) IRCDF_1380_128 (PDF 168KB)
Wollongong City Council IRCDF_1291_74 (PDF 178KB)

Public submission data and analytics

The Colvin Review received a total of 194 submissions. The breakdown below consists of the 149 submissions published:

Submissions by state or territory jurisdiction

State or Territory Number of submissions published Percentage of total published submissions
TOTAL 149 100.00%
Australian Capital Territory 8 5.37%
New South Wales 57 38.26%
Northern Territory 3 2.01%
Queensland 15 10.07%
South Australia 7 4.70%
Tasmania 2 1.34%
Victoria 34 22.82%
Western Australia 8 5.36%
State not identified  15 10.07%

Submissions by sector

Sector Number of submissions published Percentage of total published submissions
TOTAL 149 100.00%
Australian Government 4 2.69%
Individual 16 10.74%
Local government 52 34.90%
Not-for-profit, charity and philanthropy 46 30.87%
Private organisation, peak body, industry 29 19.46%
State and territory government 2 1.34%

This table does not include submissions that were not published.

Submissions by privacy preference

Privacy preference Number of submissions received Percentage of total submissions
TOTAL 194 100.00%
Published with name 124 63.91%
Published anonymously 25 12.89%
Not published 45 23.20%

* This above table reflects the total number of submissions received including 45 who chose not to publish their submission on the NEMA website. However, every submission has been read, recorded and provided to the Independent Reviewer for analysis.

Support services

Looking after your wellbeing is important. If you have been affected by any of the information contained within the public submissions, help is available from a range of free services available across Australia. Please reach out if you need support.

Lifeline Australia           
Providing 24-hour crisis support line, text line and chat line.            
Phone: 13 11 14           
Nightly text line: 0477 131 144

Providing 24/7 crisis support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.           
Phone: 13 92 76 

Beyond Blue           
Providing 24/7 free, immediate, short-term counselling.            
Phone: 1300 224 636

Providing 24/7 support to people impacted by domestic, family or sexual violence.            
Phone: 1800 737 732

Last updated